By doing so, you gain a bunch of ‘soul’ gems which can be used to buy souvenirs. The portal is used to ‘reset’ the game.You can even double up the soul type gems you earn when you ‘reset’ via the portal. The best use for gems is to buy permanent increases such as 2x damage and 2x coins.Bear in mind though, bombs can also be earned (rarely) through hitting helicopters. You can buy bombs too, which inflict huge damage on your enemies.You can use them to buy a quick coin boost, giving you 1, 3 or 7 days worth of coins in one swoop. Gems can be used to buy lots of things.
Best fiends forever level 436 free#
You can gain free gems through logging into Facebook or tweeting about the game too.These are typically things like defeating x number of slugs or reaching a certain point in the game. One easy route to free gems is to complete the challenges.They might be the premium currency but through a mixture of good special offers and general free rewards, you should be able to stockpile quite a few. Best Fiends Forever is pretty good at throwing gems your way.Most efficient time to ‘reset’ with portal is when you hit a block with a boss – do so then use gems on souvenirs that boost your damage or coin gain. Don’t forget to suffer an ad or two every once in a while. Ads are also useful for expanding the amount of gold you earn when you’ve been away from the game for a while.You can watch an ad to double the timer or amount too. These typically provide you with a 1 or 2 minute bonus such as extended damage, or an instant reward such as a bundle of gold to use straight away. Golden helicopters fly around every once in a while.See a barrel or thing that looks like it can drop down on your enemies? Guess what? It can! Hit it with your finger and watch as the damage knocks your enemy down a peg or two.
Tap one of these and you gain some easy money for not really doing anything. There are some things to be aware of, though.
Focus on getting to that multiple wherever possible, even if they seem briefly weaker than other options. That can make a huge difference to even the lowliest of heroes. Level up any character to a multiple of 10 and their damage output is multiplied by 5.But, you want to keep things balanced, and there’s a key thing that means cheaper characters are sometimes better. If they cost more to level up, that’s because they’re better than the others.Here’s a secret about them – all you should pay attention to is their numbers. You might well develop a favorite amongst the bunch. Each character is really rather cute in a weird sort of way.